


学生接收 federal financial aid who withdraw from or stop attending all courses 是否需要退还全部或部分收到的经济援助. 如果你正式 drop all of 你r classes during the first week of the term, it will be as though 你 没有注册. 如果你借了书,你有责任归还 支付这些费用. 

金融援助 begins to disburse funds to students the second week of each term. If 你没有注册,你将不会获得任何经济援助. 

联邦法规[HEA第484B条,485(a)(1)(F)条,34 CFR 668].[22],简称为 the Return of Title IV Funds policy, require 林本顿社区学院 to calculate a refund and repayment of federal aid received by students who withdraw prior to the 已获得联邦政府资助的学生任期的60%. 第四章(联邦) programs under this policy are: 联邦佩尔助学金, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), and Federal Direct Loans (Subsidized, Unsubsidized and 加上). According to the Return of Title IV (R2T4) Funds policy, the student is allowed 只保留获得第四章经济援助的金额. 如果是学生 withdraws or stops participating in classes, a portion of the aid received is considered to be unearned and must be returned to the Title IV programs from which it was received. 如果 R2T4 calculation results in unearned aid that must be returned, both the school 学生有责任归还资金.




If 你 earn 0 credits at the end of a term, this is considered an unofficial withdrawal. If 你 receive an F grade, the financial aid office reviews the last date of attendance 以确定你是否参加了本学期的最后两周. 如果是这样,你就是 被认为“获得”F级,因此不完成R2T4. 如果 student does not attend the last two weeks of the term, this is an “unearned” F and 进行R2T4计算.


When 你 withdraw during the payment period (term of enrollment), the amount of Title IV program assistance that 你 have earned up to that point is determined by a specific 公式. 如果你收到的(或学校或家长代表你收到的)少了 assistance than 你 earned, 你 may be able to receive those additional funds. If 你 收到的帮助比赚的多,多余的钱必须退还. This also applies if 你 receive incomplete grades (F, I, NP) in all attempted classes 在学期中.

博天堂官方 processes R2T4 calculations as soon as possible, but no later than 45 days after 确定该学生已退学.


为 Title IV purposes, the last date of academic attendance is one of the following: 

  • The date the student initiates the institution’s withdrawal process; or
  • The date the student otherwise gives officials notice of intent to withdraw (e.g., 信件、提款单、亲临)
  • The midpoint of the period for a student who leaves without notifying the institution; or
  • The student’s last date of attendance at a documented academically-related activity (e.g. 在课堂上、实验中或在课堂上提交作业的出勤记录 在线课程).


为 official withdrawals, the date of determination is the date the student dropped 他们所有的班级.

为 unofficial withdrawals, the date of determination is the last date of the term.


Unearned Title IV aid shall be returned to the following programs in the following 顺序: 

  1. 直接无补贴贷款
  2. 直接资助贷款
  3. 直系家长PLUS贷款
  4. 联邦佩尔助学金
  5. 联邦SEOG
  6. 伊拉克和阿富汗服务补助金

A student who has not participated or attended any classes during the term will be 必须100%偿还支付给他们的所有经济援助资金. 学生接收 non-completion grades may be required to repay funds if they cannot establish that 这学期他们都上过课. 学生必须提供上课证明文件 在规定的时间内出勤. 可接受的课堂出勤证明形式 包括考试、出勤记录或计算机辅助教学.


The amount of assistance that 你 have earned is determined on a prorated basis. 为 example, if 你 completed 30% of the payment period/term, 你 earned 30% of the assistance 你本来是要接受. 一旦你完成了超过60%的 the payment period or period of enrollment, 你 earn all of the assistance that 你 在这段时间收到了什么. 

Below are the 2022-23 School Year dates in which 你 will have reached more than 60% 该学期的完成情况:

  • 2023夏季2023年8月4日
  • 2023秋季2023年11月9日
  • 2024年冬季2024年2月22日
  • 2024年5月16日

If 你 did not receive all of the funds that 你 earned, 你 may be due a post-withdrawal 支付. 如果你的提款后支出包括贷款资金,你的学校 在支付之前必须获得您的许可吗. 你可以选择拒绝一些 或者所有的贷款资金,这样你就不会招致额外的债务. 博天堂官方可能会自动 use all or a portion of 你r post-withdrawal 支付 of grant funds for tuition, 学费,以及学生账户上的其他费用. 提款后的资金已支付 使用我们正常的支付方式. 此外,如果你是由于退出后 支付 of grant aid, 支付 will occur 45 days from the date of determination. If 你 are due loan funds, notification will be sent to 你 within 30 days, allowing 学生至少14天对博天堂官方有反应. 如果您接受后退 of loan funds, they will be disbursed no later than 45 days after the date of determination.

如果 R2T4 calculation results in a post-withdrawal 支付 that creates a credit balance on 你r account, the business office will send all or a portion of that refund to 你 as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days after the calculation of the R2T4. 

There may be some Title IV funds that 你 were scheduled to receive that cannot be 一旦您因其他资格要求而退出,将支付给您. 为 example, if 你 are a first-time, first-year undergraduate student and 你 have not completed the first 30 days of 你r program before 你 withdraw, 你 will not receive any of the Direct Loan funds that 你 would have received had 你 remained enrolled 超过30天. 

If 你 receive (or the school or 你r parent receives on 你r behalf) excess Title 四、项目资金 that must be returned, 博天堂官方 must return a portion of the excess equal 相对较小的: 

  1. Your institutional charges multiplied by the unearned percentage of 你r funds, or
  2. 超额资金的全部数额. 

The school must return this amount even if it didn’t keep this amount of 你r Title 四、项目资金. 

Bills will be sent to the student’s 博天堂官方-assigned Gmail account (Roadrunner Mail). 除非您在注册地点选择退出,否则博天堂官方不会邮寄账单. 

Students are responsible for any portion of their institutional charges that are left 在资金返还到第四章账户后未偿还. 失败 在45天内全部付清 will result in 博天堂官方 reporting the student’s account to the National Student Loan Database (NSLDS). 这一行为将导致你无法获得联邦学生资格 Aid from any Title IV Institution in the United States until 你 settle 你r outstanding 与博天堂官方平衡.


为 accommodations requests, contact 可访问性 Resources at 541-917-4789 or accessibility@ahlfdc.com 至少提前三个工作日. 博天堂官方不基于任何歧视 程序或活动中的受保护状态. 有关更多信息,请参见 博天堂官方的非歧视政策.